Girl illustration
Based on the following style, we generated a picture of a girl.

If we enhance it with one of the other most commonly used upscalers with "Default" (on the left) or "Digital Art" (on the right) presets, we can notice that the face of the girl is very different from the initial style: it gets closer to very precise illustrations or photorealistic style.

Using the other most commonly used upscaler, with "Standard" (on the left) and "Art and illustration" (on the right) presets we notice that the result is closer to the initial style, compared to other upscaler results. However, we notice too many details in the face (especially the eyes and the mouth) of the character.

Using Pimento, with no preset but a trained style, we notice that the upscaled picture is much closer to the initial image and to the initial style than the previous results.

3D Mascot
Based on the following style of a mascot, we generated a picture of the mascot doing surf.

If we enhance it with one of the other most commonly used upscalers with "Default" (on the left) or "Digital Art" (on the right) presets, we can notice that the bear is very different from the initial style: it gets closer to a photorealistic style.

Using other upscaler, with "3D renders" (on the left) and "Video games assets" (on the right) presets we notice that the result is closer to the initial style, compared to other upscaler results. However, we notice too many details in the face (it has teeth) and the hands (weird texture - see below) of the bear.

Using Pimento, with no preset but a trained style, we notice that the upscaled picture is much closer to the initial image and to the initial style than the previous results.

Below is a comparison of the face and hands details between other upscaler (on the left) and Pimento (on the right) results.